Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's Coming! It's headed right for us!!!

Get the reference? Get it? Get it? No? Well.... ok. It's from Twister... you know... the epically awesome movie with Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt and the, you know, twisters?

*sigh* I amuse only myelf sometimes, I realize that.


Two weeks from Friday my good friends Mike and Erin are coming to visit. This trip has been planned since May. Four months is a long time to anticipate a friend coming to visit. And four months is a very long time to get ready for that visit. I realize it's still two weeks away but I should have been preparing for the visit back in May.

You see, I'm not a neat person. I'm no where near neat. I'm kind of a slob. And a lazy one at that. Ok, so slob isn't the right word. I don't live in filth. I live in clutter though. Lots and lots of clutter. So as a typical clutter dweller, I've made my list if things I need done before Mike and Erin get here.
Actual list. I have several lists that are identical. That notebook is full of them.
The list is very general isn't it? Yes, I know. And I can guarantee you that not a single thing will be done on that list until two days before they get here. Because I am a procrastinator.

Regarding #3 on that list... You see, the spare room has been our catch all room. Don't know where it goes? Put it in the spare room! It is currently overflowing with kids stuff: books, toys, old clothes. It's a pig sty really. I know the kids go in there and wallow in it, mess it up some more just to fuck with me. And I know it's going to take a full week to clean it all. Which is why I needed to remind myself "Next Need a week". And not only does it need to be cleaned because of the pig sty-ness, that's the room Mike and Erin are supposed to be in. Seriously, I can't have them in a room that reminds them of that show "Hoarders". Then they are going to think we are actually hoarders, call Dr. Chinstrap in to enter into my dreams and try and cure me of herding. (South Park anyone? Anyone? Really? Never seen it? Click here to watch or if you just want the cliff notes version click here ) But seriously, I might need actual help and they might actually call in that doctor from the show. I don't know who the doctor is on "Hoarders" because I physically can not watch it, it gives me the heebies everytime it's on.

I feel myself digressing.... it's the "Suck Zone".... (get the Twister reference? No? Come on people! Watch this movie! It fucking awesome!!!)

I went to the "Hoarders" show website just now, to find the doctors name and I saw this. I think they knew I would be on their website today. I think they knew just how to connect with me, an eternal clutter dweller. They knew.

Matt Paxton's Decluttering Tips

And seriously? His name is Matt Paxton. And I referenced Twister twice which stars Bill Paxton.  This is Twilight Zone stuff people. Real Twilight Zone stuff. *insert eerie music*

Ever have those moments? You are thinking about something or someone and suddenly it happens, or that person calls you? I've had that happen multiple times. No, more then multiple times. It happens all the time for me. Am I psychic? Do I have the ESP? Am I special?

Ok, don't answer those questions...

I've entered the Suck Zone again, haven't I? Oh well. I need to get off my ass and start decluttering.

Note: Mike & Erin coming to visit then Erin and I run off to Seattle area to see Maroon 5 in concert.  Yes, I am going to see my Adam Levine (yes... he's mine. What of it?) live and in person. Huzzah.

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